Scientific Bangladesh

100 Years’ Publications of University of Dhaka in Scopus Database

University of Dhaka, 100 years old, the oldest University of Bangladesh. This is a review of  the  100 years’ publication scenario  of the university  based on Scopus database, data taken on 26 January,2021.

Eight thousand four hundred and forty nine (8449) publications were found with affiliation of University of Dhaka when database was search with Bangladesh as affiliation country  and time line was  up to 2020.

How is this  number of publications from a university which consists of 13 Faculties, 83 Departments, 12 Institutes, 20 residential halls, 3 hostels and more than 56 Research Centres and 1992  faculties? 

First publication by any faculty of  University of Dhaka  goes back to 1925 as per this analysis.  There are 2 publications from  DU in 1925, both are in the  Proceedings Of The Edinburgh Mathematical Society by Ghosh, Jyotirmaya ( Ghosh, J) in the area of Mathematics.

The publication scenarios are  presented below from different perspectives:

A) Overall scenarios 

Here data presented taking whole  university  into account.

1.The  top 15 researchers with overall  highest publications 

In the table below, Scopus  profile links of the researchers are given with the number of publications.

AUTHOR NAME Publications no
Rashid, M.A. 219
Ahmed, K.M. 167
Hossain, M.A. 155
Hasan, C.M. 126
Ferdows, M. 99
Alam, S.S. 80
Hasnat, A. 76
Susan, M.A.B.H. 71
Razzaque, M.A. 69
Sen Gupta, H.M. 67
Ahad, M.A.R. 57
Sultana, M.   56
Sakib, K. 55
Babu, H.M.H. 52
Ahmed, M.K. 51
Kabir, Y. 51

2.  Yearly publications 

Though this is not the complete picture of scientific publications,  it gives overall view  of number and quality of scientific publications by  the University.  Little more than 8000 publications over 100 years in Scopus, how should the country and university authority should feel?

Over the last 20 years, yearly publications  have not increased even ten times or have not been double  over the last ten years.

a) 1925-2020                                                                                          b) 2001- 2020

3) Journals  with  highest numbers of  DU publications

a) Top ten journals                                                                           b) Cite Scores of the top journals

Majority of the top ten journals where  University faculties published are local journals. From the Citscores,  recent performances of the journal can be obtained.

4 Subject area of publications

Medicine(1586), Agriculture and Biological Sciences(1275),  Engineering( 1192), Computer Sciences(1169) and Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(1066) are top five research areas  according to the number of  publications in Scopus Database.

5) Document types 

Only 31 books were found in Scopus database from the faculties of Dhaka University. Though book chapters publications has started recently, 346 book chapters,  how is the number against around 2000(1992 as per university website) faculties?

6.  Collaborations

i) Institutional  Collaboration 

University of Dhaka more collaborations with national institutes than foreign institutes.

     a)  National Collaborations                                                 b) International Collaborations  

ii) Country collaboration

How this collaborative publications coming. from institutional collaboration or  from the DU faculties  going to those countries for PhD and Post Doc?  How is the collaboration scenario with  south Asian countries?

a) Global collaboration                                                                              b) Regional Collaboration

7. Funding sponsors

Like whole Bangladesh, foreign funders are the major funders for publications by the faculties of University of Dhaka.  How much Bangladesh will be benefited from such foreign funded researches?

a) National funding                                                               b) International Funding 


B)Subject area scenario

In this section of the review,  Top authors and  top journals are presented for each subject area.

1) Medicine

i)  15 Researchers with highest number of Publications

ii) Journals with highest number of publications

2) Agriculture and Biological Sciences

i) 15 researchers with highest number of publications in Medicine

ii)  10 Journals with highest publications

3) Engineering

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii) Top 10 journals with highest number of engineering documents

4) Computer Sciences

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 


ii) 10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

5) Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 

6) Social Sciences

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 

7. Physics and Astronomy

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

8. Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 

9.Environmental Sciences

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

10. Chemistry

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

11.Material Sciences

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

12. Mathematics

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

13.Chemical Engineering

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

14. Earth and Planetary Sciences

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

15. Immunology and Microbiology

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

16. Business, Management and Accounting

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

17. Economics, Econometric and Finance

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 

18.  Arts and Humanities

i) 15 researchers with highest publications


ii)10 journals  with highest number of Computer Science  documents 

19. Multidisciplinary

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of   documents 

20. Nursing

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 

20. Decision sciences

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 

21. Psychology

i) 15 researchers with highest publications 


ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 

22. Neuroscience

i) 10 researchers with highest publications 

ii)10 journals  with highest number of  documents 


No patent was found registered in United States Patent & Trademark Office or other international patent office. How is this? However, any technology/method/process/service developed by University  researchers been commercialized?  Is there any data to the university  authority?


Concluding remarks

When University of Dhaka is celebrating 100 years of her establishment, University should  vigorously review  its

  • Research environment,
  • Research culture,
  • Research funding,
  • Number of  researchers,
  • Skill set of researchers/academics
  • Training of researchers,
  • Ethical standard of faculties and researchers
  • and
  • Research performance and  output and commercialization of  research output.

Hope, time invested for this brief  and incomplete review will create some vibration in the brains and minds of the respective authority/authorities.

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