Looking for Inspiration? Look at Dr. Mubarak Ahmed Khan-
When we analysed scientific publications in www.scopus.com using Bangladesh as keywords for affiliation country, Khan, M.A appeared as the second […]
When we analysed scientific publications in www.scopus.com using Bangladesh as keywords for affiliation country, Khan, M.A appeared as the second […]
Mubarak Ahmed Khan Silent Researcher on Jute If you search scopus.com with the keyword “Jute’ you will find there are
2017-07-06 09:27:59 An Ad-hoc Committee for National Young Academy of Bangladesh(NYAB) was formed (on 6th July,2017) in a joint meeting
Top hundred funding agnecies for Bangladeshi researchers’s publication in 2017. (Same name might have appeared more than once as the authors
Every year almost every society or association of science professionals organizes annual conference with important and relevant theme. As a