Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) has 224 publications in 2020 in Scopus database as found on 14 March,2021.
Out of 224 publications, 42 publications have corresponding authors with official email address of KUET ( and 100 publications have corresponding authors from Bangladesh. This means that only about 20% publications originated from the university and less than half originated from Bangladesh. This is not a satisfactory situation.
Top 15 Authors
- Top Ten Journals and CiteScores where KUET faculties published their research
3. Subject Area of Research
4.Document types
5. Institutional Collaboration
6.National Collaboration
7.Funding Sponsors
Concluding Remarks
If we look to the list of funding sponsors, we see our own funding is almost insignificant. Only one Bangladeshi funding sponsor out of top 15 sponsors. We need to improve this situation.