Scientific Bangladesh

Make a Plan Before Going for PhD in Abroad- says Dr. Enamul Haque

This time Scientific Bangladesh interviewed Dr. Enamul Haque. He is a post-doctoral research fellow at Ajou University in South Korea.  He has PhD in cancer biology. Here are his experiences and insights from his journey through PhD to Postdoctoral life.

1. Scientific Bangladesh: Tell us about your education- from primary to PhD. Don’t miss this opportunity to express gratitude for your great supports in this journey.

Dr. Enamul Haque:  I have a DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) from  Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh – 2010, MS in Microbiology – Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh – 2012, and  PhD in Biomedical Science – Kyungpook National University, South Korea – 2019

2. Scientific Bangladesh: What was your PhD research area? What are the results of your vigorous research, including publications, patents, awards?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Cancer Biology, we identified peptides that could target KIM-1 overexpressing tumors which could be used for diagnosis and therapeutic purposes. The research findings were published in the “Cancer and research and treatment” journal.

3. Scientific Bangladesh: What was your motivation to go for PhD? What do you think about your decision to go for PhD?

Dr. Enamul Haque: I was motivated following my elder brother who did PhD from abroad and currently working as a Faculty member in Bangladesh.

4. Scientific Bangladesh: Why should someone pursue PhD? Should anyone go for PhD as friends are going for it, parents, parents-in-law want it?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Based on the current scenario of our country, most of the brilliant students don’t focus on higher study or doing PhD in abroad as it can’t guarantee their job in Bangladesh. Most of the recruitment in our university is based on undergraduate results and political background. Also, a public exam includes general knowledge like capital or currency names. Hence, most of the quality students feel it risky to go for higher study abroad unless they have already secured a job in Bangladesh.

5. Scientific Bangladesh: How would you like to describe your PhD life?

Dr. Enamul Haque: PhD is a journey, is always a tough journey. The same was with me too. Adapting to a new environment, culture, leaving your family apart, and working with uncertainty, it needs a good amount of patience and hard work to complete your PhD journey especially in a hardworking country like South Korea.

6. Scientific Bangladesh: PhD is stressful – how did you manage stress?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Being religious, following our own religious guidelines is very helpful to overcome the stress during PhD life, in fact, any journey of our life. Your religion teaches you that, whatever the hard time comes, it’s from Allah to test you to make you pure and a good time will come if you are patient.

7. Scientific Bangladesh: Looking back to your PhD life, what mistakes you would advise future PhD students to avoid?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Choosing the right age and lab for your PhD is very important.

Should investigate the lab members as much as possible because even your PI is helpful, your labmates might make your life hell.

8. Scientific Bangladesh: How did you manage relationships with your i) supervisor(s) and ii) labmates? How important to maintain a good relationship with them?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Still now, I maintain a good relationship with my PhD supervisor and labmates. Whenever I visit that city, I meet with my PI and get invited to my labmates’ homes. Often they also visit us in my new place. It’s very important to maintain a good relationship with your PhD supervisor for your future going.

9. Scientific Bangladesh: Did you change supervisor? If yes, when and why? What are your suggestions if a PhD student needs to change supervisor?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Yes. Immediately after finishing my PhD, I went back to Bangladesh and tried for a prestigious job in Bangladesh which didn’t succeed for obvious reasons. Then I returned to Korea for Postdoc to a new supervisor at Seoul National University as my PhD supervisor didn’t have enough funds to afford me that time.

10. Scientific Bangladesh: What are your overall suggestions for future PhD students from your PhD life experiences?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Make a plan before going for PhD in abroad as you might have to leave the chance of a government job in Bangladesh forever as I said, it doesn’t need PhD or higher study. All it needs absorbing basic job Syllabus and political background. In current Bangladesh, PhD is for those who have a long vision to be a true researcher or stay abroad with family for a long period of time.

11. Scientific Bangladesh: What are your suggestions for those who are about to finish PhD and entering to Post-doctoral phase?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Focus on your current work. Few quality publications during PhD life would make it easy for a postdoc hunt. Also, your PhD supervisor would help you beyond if you have a good relationship with him/ her.

12. Scientific Bangladesh: What is your Postdoctoral research area? Is it the same or different from PhD? If different, then why?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Neuroscience, DNA Damage Response. The basic molecular technique is almost the same with a few different targets.

13. Scientific Bangladesh: Scientific Bangladesh: What is your future destination? Academia or Industry or Entrepreneurship? Why?

Dr. Enamul Haque: Currently Academia. But things change depending upon the situation.

14. Scientific Bangladesh: Did you have family (husband/wife and children) with you during PhD? Do you see any advantages and/or disadvantages of having a family during PhD?

Dr. Enamul Haque: I was married in the middle of my PhD journey and had my son during the journey. Having your family especially your husband/wife and kids with you during PhD journey will relieve your stress significantly.

15. Scientific Bangladesh: Would you like to share your knowledge and experiences with the readers of Scientific Bangladesh by writing a regular column in Scientific Bangladesh. You can register for authorship

Dr. Enamul Haque: Yes.

Scientific Bangladesh: Thank you for answering the questions. You can publish your writing when you want and when you have time. For this, register and gain access as an author


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