QUT’s Faculty of Health and Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation offer scholarships to complete a PhD or MPhil in an interdisciplinary environment with access to world-class researchers and cutting-edge facilities.
Technology, innovation and commercialisation are integrated into the program.
Successful Faculty of Health scholarship applicants will receive a:
- living stipend valued at AU$27,596pa (in 2019) for 3 years (PhD)/1.5 years (MPhil); tax-exempt and indexed annually
- PhD applicants meeting criteria for academic excellence are eligible for an additional top-up scholarship at AU$5,000pa; 3 years duration
- tuition fees offset or sponsorship
- research support allowance of AU$4,500 (PhD)/AU$2,250 (MPhil)
- opportunity to apply for Grant-in-Aid travel funding up to AU$2,000
Application closing date: 30 September 2019, 11:59pm AEST
For further details, visit https://www.seek.com.au/job/39289428?searchrequesttoken=0dce348e-81e8-407c-9ba4-94c8eebc46cc&type=standout