This time Scientific Bangladesh has interviewed Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad. He has just obtained his PhD degree from City University of Hong Kong, one of the top 50 universities in QS ranking. He is also from a different background than majority of the interviewee. Here are the insights and experiences he shared with Scientific Bangladesh.
1. Scientific Bangladesh: Please briefly introduce yourself, your PhD topic and, your University to our readers.
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: I am a veterinarian. I have completed my Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Medicine from Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh. I also have completed MS in Veterinary Public Health from Freie Universitaet, Berlin; Germany. As a PhD student at the Department of Biomedical Sciences in the City University of Hong Kong I have studied aquatic animal reproduction, especially of Cartilaginous fishes reproductive biology. The main focus was on the motion tracking of Shark and Ray fish sperm.
2. Scientific Bangladesh: What has made you have gone for PhD? In other words, why are you pursuing PhD?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: It was my dream from my High School life to pursue a PhD degree as my Uncle (Maternal) was a PhD student at that time and everyone in our school used to talk about my uncle’s achievement. As his nephew I prepared myself to be eligible for achieving the goal.
3. Scientific Bangladesh: How did you choose your i) PhD topic and ii) Institute?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: I did not focus on any specific field during application period. I used to knock any professor or university throughout the globe who are working in the field of biology, especially molecular biology. Finally, I got response from Turkey and Hong Kong at the same time. I was in a dilemma and choose City University of Hong Kong due to its higher global ranking (48th QS ranking).
4. Scientific Bangladesh: What is the minimum qualification in your university to get admission as PhD student, Bachelor or Master degree?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: Minimum Qualification is Bachelor Degree.
5. Scientific Bangladesh: If anyone wants to do PhD in your University/country, what are the steps one has to follow?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: Hong Kong has about eight universities of higher ranking and selection criteria is very competitive. I would suggest anyone who are interested to study about the universities first. Go through their websites and see the works done by the professors. Do knock them through their email and show your keen interest. If you can motivate any supervisor, He/She will recommend for you to the UGC or Fellowship selection committee.
After getting a professor’s recommendation, it is really so easy to get a PhD Scholarship.
6. Scientific Bangladesh: What are mistakes one should avoid when contacting with University or Professor for PhD studentship?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: Don’t ask directly about fund only! Rather show your intelligence in the field of professor’s interest.
If you can proof that you know the basics of professor’s research field, hopefully you will get a call for an interview.
7. Scientific Bangladesh: How will you get PhD, by submitting a thesis or publishing a certain no of publications(journal articles)?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: To get a PhD you must have to submit a Thesis (Mandatory) but the unwritten condition is to publish your work. The higher the number of article published in top ranking journal, the more the chance of getting PhD degree smoothly.
8. Scientific Bangladesh: Did you deliberately choose your Supervisor? What were your criteria for choosing PhD supervisor?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: My example was a bit different! I knocked the Dean of the faculty of Biomedical sciences and he forwarded my application to the selection committee. The selection committee assigned me a professor who was supposed to join at the same time of my study inauguration. Unfortunately, the professor did not join and I got a totally new supervisor after I started my journey.
9. Scientific Bangladesh: What is your key to maintaining a good relationship with your supervisor?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: I have always tried to follow my supervisor’s instruction. If anyone really wants to make a PhD study successful, He/She should obey his/her supervisor without any question.
10. Scientific Bangladesh: What principle do you follow to maintain a good relationship with your labmates?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: Give priority to others and have a smiley face always!
11. Scientific Bangladesh: Doing PhD is a stressful job? How do you manage or release stress?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: I always enjoyed my time thinking that this is the only option for me. I am in the middle of a deep ocean with a boat made of palm tree. If I want to explore myself in the rescue ship, I have to keep quiet and calm whatever happened.
12.Scientific Bangladesh: How many days in a week you go to the lab? Why?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: In First and Second year, I used to go to the lab every day from 8.00 am to 11.00 pm. From Third year, I took Sunday as a holiday.
13. Scientific Bangladesh: PhD is considered as training for a career in Research. What 1. technical and 2. Soft skills you are focusing to develop or developed by this time?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: As a veterinarian I know how to treat animals, but as a PhD student I have learnt different microscopy e.g. Electron Microscopy (SEM & TEM), Fluorescence Microscopy etc. Moreover, I have learnt different analytical skills using Matlab, Origin Lab and Graph Pad Prism. etc.
In addition to this, I have learnt to work under immense pressure. The working environment was not always friendly but I tried my best to cope up with the challenges and finally it worked for me.
Multicultural environment was another challenge and I have made others to think positive about me.
14. Scientific Bangladesh: What is your future plan? Want to go back to Bangladesh or not?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: I would like to be an academician. No plan to go back to Bangladesh at this stage.
15. Scientific Bangladesh: What are your suggestions for prospective PhD students?
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: Before enrolling first sketch out why do you want to take this super challenging life. Don’t be emotional. PhD is a Challenge, not a public exam. You need to be patient and super ambitious at the same time. Never give up dreaming.
16. Scientific Bangladesh: Would like to share your weekly story with other PhD students? If yes, register at www.scfbd.net
Dr. Ajijur Rahman Azad: Yes. Thank you for asking.
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