Publication in the Scopus database with Bangladeshi affiliation is dated back to 1887, one document. Then in 1894, there was another one. Then another one in 1910. The highest number of publications with Bangladeshi authors was in 2018, and the number of publications is 5739. However, from 1887 to 2018, there were altogether 52,508 documents with Bangladeshi affiliations.
2. Mymensingh Medical Journal MMJ is the top publisher journal of Bangladeshi authors in the Scopus database with 1169 documents. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin is the second leading publisher with 597 papers. Lecture Notes In Computer Science Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics is the tenth journal with 239 documents.
The majority of the top ten authors are from ICDDR, B. 3. Professor Abdullah Al Mamun from Jahangir Nagar University is the top author with 373 documents. Dr. Ferdousi Qadri(ICDDR, B) is the second with 317 papers, and Dr. Mubarak Ahmed Khan(BAEC) is the third top author with 310 documents.

4. As an institution, Dhaka university has the highest number of documents in the journals indexed in Scopus. Researchers from the University of Dhaka have contributed to 6722 documents. Researchers from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and ICDDR, B contributed in the second (6187) and third highest number of documents(4418), respectively. Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) researchers are the tenth highest publisher with 1286 documents.
5. Bangladeshi researchers contributed the highest number of documents in collaboration with the researchers from the United States of America in 6091 papers, with researchers of Japan in 5076 and the United Kingdom in 3612; with the researchers of our most giant neighbor India (6th ) in 2041 documents.
6. Over 130 years, we have only 117 books, 1424 book chapters, two business articles, and 36959 articles, along with 10,000 conference papers and 1600 reviews.
7. Our top research area is medicine with around 1300o documents, then engineering(11000) and computer science (9000) documents.
8. Bangladeshi researchers contributed to the highest research and publications funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) and then by the National Institute of Health(NIH). National Natural Science Foundation of China is the tenth top funder for the publications in which Bangladesh researchers contributed,
This is a brief presentation of the quality publications in the Scopus indexed journals. Besides these, there might be few other quality publications by Bangladeshi researchers in local and international journals. Moreover, there are many low-grade publications in many predatory journals. Including all these publications, our publications are not enough. We need to do much.
The same person has been leading our science ministry for ten years. Do we notice any significant improvement and any comprehensive scientific and technological progress plan?