Scientific Bangladesh

Bangladeshi Researchers Contributed in about 13 Thousands Publications in Scopus Database in 2022

Bangladeshi researchers have contributed to almost 13 thousand (12843) Scientific publications in 2022  in the Scopus-indexed journals, conferences, proceedings, and book series (data taken on 4 January) with at least one author with Bangladeshi affiliation, as seen on 6 January 2023. This number is 2000 more than the number for 2021(11447) found in the first week of January 2021.

Most of the publications are in English(12842). There are also a few publications in Spanish(8), Bosnian(1), French (1), and Portugues(1). Out of 12,843 publications, 11844 are finally published, and 999 articles are still in Press. The top three subject areas of publications for 2022 are Engineering(2997), Medicine (2563), and Computer Science (2516). Environmental science has retained the fourth largest subject area, with 1979 publications this year.

1. Top 15 Researchers

BGC Trust University faculty Dr. Talha Bin Emran has contributed to the highest 167 publications published in 2022. Among the top 15 contributors, a large number are from two private universities, Daffodil International University and NorthSouth University.


The top contributors are shown in the following table  with their Scopus profile in the link:

Author  Documents 
Emran, T.B. 167
Ahmed, T. 103
Hasan, M.M. 93
Islam, A.R.M.T. 82
Murshed, M. 68
Khan, M.M. 58
Islam, F. 56
Islam, M.R. 46
Rahman, M.H. 46
Rahman, M.M. 46
Ahmed, K. 41
Ali, S.M. 40
Chisti, M.J. 40
Rahman, M.M. 40
Alam, M.K. 39
Hossain, M.J. 39
Islam, M.R. 39
Mamun, M.A. 39

2. Top Ten Journals and Proceedings

From the top journals, we can have an idea of where our researchers are publishing their research and the quality of the research.




3. Top 15  Research Organizations

University of Dhaka (DU) has retained the highest position with 1293 (crossing 1200 milestones for the first time). Daffodil Internation University has surprisingly risen to the second highest contributor(899) and NorthSouth University to the 5th highest contributor(582).  Bangladesh University of Science and Technology(BUET)  has retained the third position with 777  publications and  Rajshahi University has slipped to the sixth position.  Three private universities have obtained a place in the top ten institutes with Brac University in the 10th position for the first time.


Below the number of  publications for the top 15 universities/institutes is given below:

University of Dhaka 1293
Daffodil International University 899
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 777
Jahangirnagar University 655
North South University 582
Rajshahi University 570
Bangladesh Agricultural University 535
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh 497
University of Chittagong 489
BRAC University 463
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology 394
Khulna University 378
Jashore University of Science and Technology 374
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 363
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology 340

From here, interested authorities can find the no of publications/faculty by taking the faculty no from the UGC website.


4. Top 15 Public Universities

5. Top Agricultural and Veterinary Universities

6. Top Medical  Universities and Colleges

7. Top  Engineering  and Technology Universities

8. Top  Science and Technology  Universities

9. Top 15 Private Universities


10. Top 15 foreign Universities and Institutes

Bangladeshi researchers are either working in those universities and institutes in deputation or collaborating with researchers from these universities.  There is a big shift – collaborations with Saudi Arabian Universities(6 out of 15) are on the rise. Is it a good or bad sign?

11. Government Research Organization

Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) and Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission are two multidisciplinary governmental research organizations. Both of the organizations have increased publications, but they are publications divided in terms of affiliation.

12. Top 15 collaborative countries 

Are Bangladeshi researchers collaborating with those countries or just Bangladeshi researchers doing PhD, or Postdoctoral in those countries and putting their Bangladeshi affiliation in the publications?

China has surpassed Japan in collaborative publications, and collaboration with neighboring India has also increased.

13. Document types 

The number of books, book chapters, and review articles increased significantly in 2021 though the percentage of books has not increased.

14. Research Subject Area

Engineering,  Medicine, and Computer science are the three largest areas of publications.  Other subject areas are shown in the following graph.

16. Funding sponsorship

The majority of the top  15 funding bodies are from abroad.  So how much of the research of the publications was done in Bangladesh and related to problems of Bangladesh? A major concern to dig deep.

The National Natural Science Foundation of China has appeared as the top funding sponsor in 2021.

17. Patent

Only two patents in 2022, though double of 2021.


Concluding remarks:

Publications are increasing but at the right pace, right quantity, and quality? Any authority is monitoring these issues?


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