Scientific Bangladesh

Limiting the dependence on entertainment electronic devices

Without any doubt, electronic gadgets have become the biggest obsession of 21st century because they have made our lives so easy and our lifestyle so efficient. But just like every other aspect of our life, electronic entertainment has a positive and a negative side too. The excessive use of electronic entertainment gadgets is affecting our lives. One important fact reveals that 90% of adults today have their mobile phones within their arms reach for 24/7. This proves that gadgets have turned into an obsession rather than a need. Ironically, this behaviour is inviting a lot of disadvantages associated with it. Electronic gadgets emit electromagnetic radiation causing a negative pressure on our nervous system. Some scientists have associated emission of the radiation with cancer. According to studies, staring at the screen for an extended period of time may cause visual fatigue. This leads to other health disorders such as insomnia or disrupted sleeping patterns. When we use devices, we tend to use our fingers, hence, this exerts adverse pressure on our fingers and hands. One of the most common health condition arising with the use of gadgets is disruption of posture.

The life without gadgets in the present civilization can be thought to be simply miserable. These electronic gadgets have already left a huge impact on our lifestyle; people of all ages are using different types of gadgets. It is now practically impossible to live life without these items; managing to-do list to maintaining all contacts, all our activities are controlled by gadgets and gizmos. We cannot think of a day without electronic devices but excessive use of few of these devices like TV, computers, tablets, ipads and smartphones have almost make the life more confined. The day and night use of these electronic entertainment devices have made people confined to themselves only.

It is true that we cannot live completely without these electronic entertainment devices but we should make their judicious and limited use. Things will be much better if we resist the too much dependence on these devices and re-wild ourselves, reconnect with nature, family and friends, the world might just change for us. Problems faced due to too much dependence on these devices like wastage of precious time, depression, anxiety, eye-sight, body pains etc. can be avoided. We have to control the activities like making frequent phone calls to family members and friends, logging on to social media, checking emails, browsing internet and electronic music.

Electronic entertainment is not only giving us pleasure but killing our precious time, taking us away from routine and creative works as well as impacting different health hazards. In the present times of technological dependence in general and electronic entertainment dependence in particular, it is just impossible to think about being without these devices even for a short time.  However, with this over dependence on the entertaining electronic devices, it was nice to come to know that nine Kulu (HP) villages have gone silent for 42 days to appease their deity. People in advanced countries with too much dependence on electronic devices have already been following forced isolation from these devices on a regular basis to devote more time to their work and family. Indians with enough free time are still not bothered to minimise the use of electronic devices. Traditions and rituals are under constant criticism in the modern age, but the worthiness of our traditions, if we follow them in the right spirit, can still show a way towards our wellbeing in our modern lifestyle.

For years, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended no more than two hours of screen time for children and teenagers, and absolutely no screen time for children under 2. However, they’ve now updated their guidelines to reflect the realities of today’s digital world. The new recommendations acknowledge that technology is integrated into our daily lives, making it nearly impossible to police a strict two-hour per day limit on school-age children. Additionally, technology can be a valuable component of learning. Children access computers and tablets at school and use computers to do their homework. But, some kids are growing dependent on their devices. They’re using video games and TV as their main form of entertainment and they’re replacing face-to-face communication with text messages and social media.

Following simple rules for personal or family members to use the electronic entertainment devices can make a great difference.  Those types of rules can help ensure everyone is establishing a healthier relationship with the electronic entertainment devices. These simple rules can be like:

  • Avoid watching TV for long hours in general and while eat in particular, i.e., no electronics while eating.
  • Avoid late night use of iPhone and internet.
  • Avoid the use of smartphones while travelling, deriving, in a restaurant or at a sporting event.
  • No electronics on Saturdays.
  • Spare regular time for physical exercises.
  • Spare free time for your family and friends without electronic entertainment devices.
  • Go for picnics without electronic entertainment devices.

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